Others _________________________________________________________ |
list of the models |
GBU "Mosavtodor" |
list of the models |
JSC "Mosoblenergo" |
list of the models |
ООО "Вайлдберриз" |
list of the models |
ООО "Гидросервис 2000" |
list of the models |
ООО "Сильва" |
list of the models |
ООО "Технология Движения" |
list of the models |
ООО МЗ "Тонар" _________________________________________________________ |
list of the models |
Emercom of Russia in Moscow region (МЧС РФ) |
list of the models |
ФГКУ "Центроспас" |
list of the models |
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region (МВД России) _________________________________________________________ |
list of the models |
Aeroport "Domodedovo" |
list of the models |
AO "LII im. Gromova" |
list of the models |
Аэропорт "Шереметьево" |
list of the models |
Airport Special Cars _________________________________________________________ |
list of the models |
GAU MO "Centrleshoz" |
list of the models |
GKU MO "Mosoblpojspas" |
list of the models |
GUP MO "Dorprogress-Vereya" |
list of the models |
GUP MO "Mosoblgaz" |
list of the models |
OOO "Remondis" |
list of the models |
PAO "Rosseti Moscow Region" (Россети) |
list of the models |
Service transport AO "Mostransavto" |
list of the models |
Vodokanal Shelkovo |
list of the models |
ООО "Тепловые сети Балашихи" |
list of the models |
Cars city services and utilities _________________________________________________________ |
list of the models |
OAO "Mojaiskiy dorojnik" |
list of the models |
OAO "Specializirovannoe upravlenie № 2" |
list of the models |
OOO " TTK ShelkovoStroy" |
list of the models |
OOO "Alnstroy" |
list of the models |
OOO "RentaStroyTehnica" |
list of the models |
OOO "Sichevskiy PTK" |
list of the models |
OOO "SU-24" |
list of the models |
list of the models |
PAO "Mostotrest" (Mostootryadi № 90, 99, 125) |
list of the models |
PAO "Transneft" |
list of the models |
ZAO "Interspecstroy" |
list of the models |
ЗАО "УСМ № 3970" |
list of the models |
ООО "Stroy-Beton" |
list of the models |
Cars construction companies _________________________________________________________ |
list of the models |
OOO "TD Vicolor MSK" |
list of the models |
ATP Magnit (Магнит) |
list of the models |
list of the models |
GC "ProLiv" (ПроЛив) |
list of the models |
GK "D-Trans" |
list of the models |
GK "Danone" |
list of the models |
GK "Diksi" |
list of the models |
GK "Rolf" |
list of the models |
GK "Trassa" |
list of the models |
GK "Vertikal" |
list of the models |
Kompaniya ARIS |
list of the models |
OAO "NK "Rosneft"" |
list of the models |
OOO " Cayman" |
list of the models |
list of the models |
OOO "Autologistika" |
list of the models |
OOO "Avtopromsnab" |
list of the models |
OOO "Bertschi Moscow" |
list of the models |
OOO "Hladokombinat Zapadniy" |
list of the models |
OOO "Kofeynaya kompaniya "Vokrug Sveta" |
list of the models |
OOO "Lenta" |
list of the models |
OOO "Pepsico Holdings" |
list of the models |
OOO "Skorostnyie linii" |
list of the models |
OOO "Transarenda" |
list of the models |
list of the models |
OOO "Vtorchermet NLMK Centr" |
list of the models |
X5 Transport (X5 Retail Group) |
list of the models |
ZAO "TK Semerka" |
list of the models |
Веломоторс |
list of the models |
Веста |
list of the models |
ГК "Сияние" |
list of the models |
Глобалтрак |
list of the models |
ГрандЛайн |
list of the models |
Комплекс-ойл |
list of the models |
list of the models |
Мэйджор |
list of the models |
Нефтепродуктсервис |
list of the models |
ООО "Iprus" |
list of the models |
ООО "Дентро" |
list of the models |
Car transportation and logistics companies _________________________________________________________ |
list of the models |
Renault |
list of the models |
Scania |
list of the models |
Volvo |
list of the models |
Daf _________________________________________________________ |
list of the models |
Military-technical museum Chernogolovka city district, village Ivanovskoye. Founded in 2010 year |
list of the models |
Museam PATP Vidnoe |
list of the models |
Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology _________________________________________________________ |
list of the models |
Krasnogorsk city district, others Until 23.04.2017 - Krasnogorsk district |
list of the models |
Balashikha city district, others Until 2005 - Balashikha district.
Since 22.01.2015 , Balashikha includes Zheleznodorozhny |
list of the models |
Bronnitsy city district, others Formed in 1992.
Previously it was part of the Ramensky district |
list of the models |
Leninsky city district, others Until 2019 - Leninsky district |
list of the models |
Volokolamsky municipal district, others Until 11.05.2019 - Volokolamsk district. Until 01.01.2025 - Volokolamsk city district |
list of the models |
Voskresensk сity district, others Until 04.05.2019 - Voskresensk district |
list of the models |
Dzerzhinsky city district, others Formed 4th September 1996.
Previously it was part of the Lyubertsy district |
list of the models |
Dmitrovsky municipal district, others Until 02.07.2018 - Dmitrovsky district. Until 01.01.2025 - Dmitrovsky city district |
list of the models |
Dolgoprudny city district, others Formed in 2005.
Previously it was part of the Mytishchi district |
list of the models |
Domodedovo city district, others Until 01.01.2006 - Domodedovo district |
list of the models |
Dubna city district, others Formed in March 2018.
Previously it was part of the Taldomsky district |
list of the models |
Yegoryevsk city district, others Until 08.12.2015 - Yegoryevsk district |
list of the models |
Zhukovsky city district, others Formed in 2004.
Previously it was part of the Ramensky district |
list of the models |
Zaraysk city district, others Until 10.01.2017 - Zaraysk district |
list of the models |
Istra municipal district, others Until 10.03.2017 - Istra district. Until 01.01.2025 - Istra city district |
list of the models |
Kashira city district, others Until 08.12.2015 - Kashira district |
list of the models |
Klin city district, others Until 01.10.2017 - Klin district |
list of the models |
Kolomna city district, others Until 21.04.2017 - Kolomna district |
list of the models |
Korolev city district, others Formed in 2005.
Previously it was part of the Pushkinsky district |
list of the models |
Kotelniki city district, others Formed in December 2007.
Previously it was part of the Lyubertsy district |
list of the models |
Lobnya city district, others Formed 29th December 2004.
Previously it was part of the Mytishchi district |
list of the models |
Losino-Petrovsky city district, others Formed in 2004.
Previously it was part of the Shchelkovsky district |
list of the models |
Lotoshino municipal district, others Until 26.05.2019 - Lotoshinsky district. Until 01.01.2025 - Lotoshinsky city district |
list of the models |
Lukhovitsy municipal district, others Until 23.04.2017 - Lukhovitsky district. Until 01.01.2025 - Lukhovitsky city district |
list of the models |
Lytkarino city district, others Formed in 2004.
Previously it was part of the Lyubertsy district |
list of the models |
Lyubertsy city district, others Until 23.04.2017 - Lyubertsy district |
list of the models |
Mozhaisky municipal district, others Until 08.02.2018 - Mozhaisky district. Until 01.01.2025 - Mozhaisky city district |
list of the models |
Mytishchi city district, others Until 08.12.2015 - Mytishchi district |
list of the models |
Naro-Fominsky city district, others Until 24.05.2017 - Naro-Fominsky district |
list of the models |
Bogorodsky city district, other localities Until 05.06.2018 - Noginsky district |
list of the models |
Odintsovsky city district, others Until 05.02.2019 - Odintsovsky district |
list of the models |
Orekhovo-Zuevsky city district, others Until 01.04.2019 - Orekhovo-Zuevo city district.
Until 01.01.2018 - Orekhovo-Zuevsky district |
list of the models |
Pavlovo-Posadsky city district, others Until 2023 - Pavlovsky Posad city district.
Until 2017 - Pavlovo-Posadsky district |
list of the models |
Podolsk city district, others Until 01.06.2015 - Podolsky district |
list of the models |
Pushkinsky city district, others Until 06.05.2019 - Pushkinsky district |
list of the models |
Ramensky municipal district, others Until 04.05.2019 - Ramensky district. Until 01.01.2025 - Ramensky city district |
list of the models |
Reutov city district, others Formed in 2004.
Previously it was part of the Balashikha district |
list of the models |
Ruzsky municipal district, others Until 09.01.2017 - Ruzsky district. Until 01.01.2025 - Ruzsky city district |
list of the models |
Sergievo-Posadsky city district, others Until 01.04.2019 - Sergievo-Posadsky district |
list of the models |
Silver Ponds municipal district, others Until 08.12.2015 - Silver Ponds district. Until 01.01.2025 - Silver Ponds city district |
list of the models |
Serpukhov city district, others Until 07.04.2019 - Serpukhov district |
list of the models |
Solnechnogorsk city district, others Until 09.01.2017 - Solnechnogorsk district |
list of the models |
Stupino city district, others Until 06.06.2017 - Stupino district |
list of the models |
Taldomsky city district, others Until 08.06.2018 - Taldomsky district |
list of the models |
Fryazino city district, others Formed in 2005.
Previously it was part of the Shchelkovsky district |
list of the models |
Khimki city district, others Until 27.02.2005 - Khimki district |
list of the models |
Chernogolovka city district, others Formed in 2008.
Previously it was part of the Noginsky district |
list of the models |
Chekhov municipal district, others Until 18.07.2017 - Chekhovsky district. Until 01.01.2025 - Chekhovsky city district |
list of the models |
Shatura city district, others Until 10.03.2017 - Shatursky district |
list of the models |
Shakhovskaya municipal district, others Until 26.10.2015 - Shakhovskaya district. Until 01.01.2025 - Shakhovskaya city district |
list of the models |
Shchelkovo city district, others Until 09.04.2019 - Shchelkovsky district |
list of the models |
Elektrostal city district, others Formed in 2004.
Previously it was part of the Noginsky district |
list of the models |