Photo encyclopedia

Moscow region

Editor: черноголовец.

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Special vehicles
Trailers and semi-trailers
Entire listlist of the models
Car carriers
Bucket trucks and autolifts
Crane trucks
Trucks for drilling and/or driving piles
Trucks for working with concrete and mortar
Excavator trucks
Vacuum trucks and sewer cleaners
Special equippment for aeroports
Platform trucks
Chain container transporters
Crew carriers
Special equippments for military purposes
Gas transporters
Autobus-type vans for cargo and special purposes
Combined vehicles for cargo and passenger transport
Special equippments for disinfection, heat production
Road repairing machinery, asphalters
Road cleaners
Armoured trucks for collection and transportation of money
Trucks with special purpose box (workshops, laboratories, etc.)
Compressor and pump stations
Container trucks for swap bodies (BDF)
Ice producers
Timber trucks and long material carriers
Trucks for collecting and transportation of scrap metals
Medical purpose vehicles
Hook carriers, multilifts
Garbage trucks
Oil exploration trucks, geophysical equippments
Repair trucks for overhead lines
Firefighter equippments
Dump trucks
Agricultural vehicles
Special vehicles of law enforcement agencies
Sport cars, show cars
Special trucks for television, radio, filming
Fuel tankers and fuel pumping stations
Semi-trailer trucks
Box lorries for cargo
Cement and bulk carriers
Tank trucks (except fuel and dry materials)
Tow trucks
Tractors with ballast
Trucks on the railway motion
Uniaxial tractors
Other equippments

list of the models
GBU "Mosavtodor" list of the models
JSC "Mosoblenergo" list of the models
ООО "Вайлдберриз" list of the models
ООО "Гидросервис 2000" list of the models
ООО "Сильва" list of the models
ООО "Технология Движения" list of the models
ООО МЗ "Тонар"
list of the models
Emercom of Russia in Moscow region (МЧС РФ) list of the models
ФГКУ "Центроспас" list of the models
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region (МВД России)
list of the models
Aeroport "Domodedovo" list of the models
AO "LII im. Gromova" list of the models
Аэропорт "Шереметьево" list of the models
Airport Special Cars
list of the models
GAU MO "Centrleshoz" list of the models
GKU MO "Mosoblpojspas" list of the models
GUP MO "Dorprogress-Vereya" list of the models
GUP MO "Mosoblgaz" list of the models
OOO "Remondis" list of the models
PAO "Rosseti Moscow Region" (Россети) list of the models
Service transport AO "Mostransavto" list of the models
Vodokanal Shelkovo list of the models
ООО "Тепловые сети Балашихи" list of the models
Cars city services and utilities
list of the models
OAO "Mojaiskiy dorojnik" list of the models
OAO "Specializirovannoe upravlenie № 2" list of the models
OOO " TTK ShelkovoStroy" list of the models
OOO "Alnstroy" list of the models
OOO "RentaStroyTehnica" list of the models
OOO "Sichevskiy PTK" list of the models
OOO "SU-24" list of the models
OOO "TEKA-SERVIS" list of the models
PAO "Mostotrest" (Mostootryadi № 90, 99, 125) list of the models
PAO "Transneft" list of the models
ZAO "Interspecstroy" list of the models
ЗАО "УСМ № 3970" list of the models
ООО "Stroy-Beton" list of the models
Cars construction companies
list of the models
OOO "TD Vicolor MSK" list of the models
ATP Magnit (Магнит) list of the models
CLC list of the models
GC "ProLiv" (ПроЛив) list of the models
GK "D-Trans" list of the models
GK "Danone" list of the models
GK "Diksi" list of the models
GK "Rolf" list of the models
GK "Trassa" list of the models
GK "Vertikal" list of the models
Kompaniya ARIS list of the models
OAO "NK "Rosneft"" list of the models
OOO " Cayman" list of the models
OOO "ALEV-TRANS" list of the models
OOO "Autologistika" list of the models
OOO "Avtopromsnab" list of the models
OOO "Bertschi Moscow" list of the models
OOO "Hladokombinat Zapadniy" list of the models
OOO "Kofeynaya kompaniya "Vokrug Sveta" list of the models
OOO "Lenta" list of the models
OOO "Pepsico Holdings" list of the models
OOO "Skorostnyie linii" list of the models
OOO "Transarenda" list of the models
OOO "TRASKO" list of the models
OOO "Vtorchermet NLMK Centr" list of the models
X5 Transport (X5 Retail Group) list of the models
ZAO "TK Semerka" list of the models
Веломоторс list of the models
Веста list of the models
ГК "Сияние" list of the models
Глобалтрак list of the models
ГрандЛайн list of the models
Комплекс-ойл list of the models
ЛУКОЙЛ list of the models
Мэйджор list of the models
Нефтепродуктсервис list of the models
ООО "Iprus" list of the models
ООО "Дентро" list of the models
Car transportation and logistics companies
list of the models
Renault list of the models
Scania list of the models
Volvo list of the models
list of the models
Military-technical museum
Chernogolovka city district, village Ivanovskoye. Founded in 2010 year
list of the models
Museam PATP Vidnoe list of the models
Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology
list of the models
Krasnogorsk city district, others
Until 23.04.2017 - Krasnogorsk district
list of the models
Balashikha city district, others
Until 2005 - Balashikha district. Since 22.01.2015 , Balashikha includes Zheleznodorozhny
list of the models
Bronnitsy city district, others
Formed in 1992. Previously it was part of the Ramensky district
list of the models
Leninsky city district, others
Until 2019 - Leninsky district
list of the models
Volokolamsky municipal district, others
Until 11.05.2019 - Volokolamsk district. Until 01.01.2025 - Volokolamsk city district
list of the models
Voskresensk сity district, others
Until 04.05.2019 - Voskresensk district
list of the models
Dzerzhinsky city district, others
Formed 4th September 1996. Previously it was part of the Lyubertsy district
list of the models
Dmitrovsky municipal district, others
Until 02.07.2018 - Dmitrovsky district. Until 01.01.2025 - Dmitrovsky city district
list of the models
Dolgoprudny city district, others
Formed in 2005. Previously it was part of the Mytishchi district
list of the models
Domodedovo city district, others
Until 01.01.2006 - Domodedovo district
list of the models
Dubna city district, others
Formed in March 2018. Previously it was part of the Taldomsky district
list of the models
Yegoryevsk city district, others
Until 08.12.2015 - Yegoryevsk district
list of the models
Zhukovsky city district, others
Formed in 2004. Previously it was part of the Ramensky district
list of the models
Zaraysk city district, others
Until 10.01.2017 - Zaraysk district
list of the models
Istra municipal district, others
Until 10.03.2017 - Istra district. Until 01.01.2025 - Istra city district
list of the models
Kashira city district, others
Until 08.12.2015 - Kashira district
list of the models
Klin city district, others
Until 01.10.2017 - Klin district
list of the models
Kolomna city district, others
Until 21.04.2017 - Kolomna district
list of the models
Korolev city district, others
Formed in 2005. Previously it was part of the Pushkinsky district
list of the models
Kotelniki city district, others
Formed in December 2007. Previously it was part of the Lyubertsy district
list of the models
Lobnya city district, others
Formed 29th December 2004. Previously it was part of the Mytishchi district
list of the models
Losino-Petrovsky city district, others
Formed in 2004. Previously it was part of the Shchelkovsky district
list of the models
Lotoshino municipal district, others
Until 26.05.2019 - Lotoshinsky district. Until 01.01.2025 - Lotoshinsky city district
list of the models
Lukhovitsy municipal district, others
Until 23.04.2017 - Lukhovitsky district. Until 01.01.2025 - Lukhovitsky city district
list of the models
Lytkarino city district, others
Formed in 2004. Previously it was part of the Lyubertsy district
list of the models
Lyubertsy city district, others
Until 23.04.2017 - Lyubertsy district
list of the models
Mozhaisky municipal district, others
Until 08.02.2018 - Mozhaisky district. Until 01.01.2025 - Mozhaisky city district
list of the models
Mytishchi city district, others
Until 08.12.2015 - Mytishchi district
list of the models
Naro-Fominsky city district, others
Until 24.05.2017 - Naro-Fominsky district
list of the models
Bogorodsky city district, other localities
Until 05.06.2018 - Noginsky district
list of the models
Odintsovsky city district, others
Until 05.02.2019 - Odintsovsky district
list of the models
Orekhovo-Zuevsky city district, others
Until 01.04.2019 - Orekhovo-Zuevo city district. Until 01.01.2018 - Orekhovo-Zuevsky district
list of the models
Pavlovo-Posadsky city district, others
Until 2023 - Pavlovsky Posad city district. Until 2017 - Pavlovo-Posadsky district
list of the models
Podolsk city district, others
Until 01.06.2015 - Podolsky district
list of the models
Pushkinsky city district, others
Until 06.05.2019 - Pushkinsky district
list of the models
Ramensky municipal district, others
Until 04.05.2019 - Ramensky district. Until 01.01.2025 - Ramensky city district
list of the models
Reutov city district, others
Formed in 2004. Previously it was part of the Balashikha district
list of the models
Ruzsky municipal district, others
Until 09.01.2017 - Ruzsky district. Until 01.01.2025 - Ruzsky city district
list of the models
Sergievo-Posadsky city district, others
Until 01.04.2019 - Sergievo-Posadsky district
list of the models
Silver Ponds municipal district, others
Until 08.12.2015 - Silver Ponds district. Until 01.01.2025 - Silver Ponds city district
list of the models
Serpukhov city district, others
Until 07.04.2019 - Serpukhov district
list of the models
Solnechnogorsk city district, others
Until 09.01.2017 - Solnechnogorsk district
list of the models
Stupino city district, others
Until 06.06.2017 - Stupino district
list of the models
Taldomsky city district, others
Until 08.06.2018 - Taldomsky district
list of the models
Fryazino city district, others
Formed in 2005. Previously it was part of the Shchelkovsky district
list of the models
Khimki city district, others
Until 27.02.2005 - Khimki district
list of the models
Chernogolovka city district, others
Formed in 2008. Previously it was part of the Noginsky district
list of the models
Chekhov municipal district, others
Until 18.07.2017 - Chekhovsky district. Until 01.01.2025 - Chekhovsky city district
list of the models
Shatura city district, others
Until 10.03.2017 - Shatursky district
list of the models
Shakhovskaya municipal district, others
Until 26.10.2015 - Shakhovskaya district. Until 01.01.2025 - Shakhovskaya city district
list of the models
Shchelkovo city district, others
Until 09.04.2019 - Shchelkovsky district
list of the models
Elektrostal city district, others
Formed in 2004. Previously it was part of the Noginsky district
list of the models

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