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Lithuania. Others operators

Volvo ('2008) FH.460

двигатель 469 л.с.

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Sort by: vehicle no. / Registration number / Serie and registration number / chassis serial no. / body serial no. / manufacturing date / withdrawal date / notes

Reg. # Ch. Ser.# Body Built Since... Remarks
1544 BU 675255 2014
ECF 278 522031 2008
EOH 993 715641 2011
FDP 575 Unknown model
FFH 867 704769 Alucar (common model)
FFO 521 Alucar (common model) Valstybinių miškų urėdija
FGT 093 Siramis, UAB
FHB 905
FJH 228 717847 2011
FJO 984 Lekpas, UAB
FNH 161 718301 2011 Transjungta, UAB
FNP 121 717823 2011 Elsinta, UAB
FOR 663 608521 Amta, UAB
FRC 003 736208 2012
FTF 006 670181 2013 Transtada, UAB
GAM 580 Vurtas, UAB
GBN 558 622256 Irsana, UAB
GBO 042 Pavlovič ir Ko, UAB
GCU 005 668260 2013 Autopervežimai, UAB
GDN 693 635637 2012 Autovaža, UAB
GEL 185 735943 2012 Pukeno, UAB
GEM 406 736082 2012 Pukeno, UAB
GEM 413 736003 2012 J. Zemblio IĮ
GHL 005 Unknown model Milasta, UAB
GHZ 913 648401 2013 Malmedis, UAB
GNB 403 652276 2013 Transgesta, UAB
GRL 502 664476 2013
GRL 506 664475 2013
GRM 221 661562 2013 Vaizga, UAB
GZK 862 663378 2013 Vinctra, UAB
HAA 001 322696 G. Subačiaus individuali transporto įmonė
HAC 363 677644 2013 Danrasta, UAB
HAD 612 681124 2013 Art modules, UAB
HBK 023 681898 2013
HBK 908 683504 2013
HBL 250 758588 2013 Antano transportas, UAB
HDD 432
HDR 194 683275 Alucar (common model)
HGF 691 Lino Taparausko firma, UAB
HHF 968 584182 2011 Transeta, UAB
HMZ 471 Neotransportas, UAB
HPJ 180 721173 2012
HRM 228 610213 Irsana, UAB
JCR 460 604415
JGK 624
JGS 857 Nojansa, UAB
JHD 366 Likura, UAB
JSA 479 Palfinger (common model)
KDA 771 567489 2010 Rudvilita, UAB
KDK 400 725228 2012 G&R Logistic, UAB
KEZ 970 Juslina, UAB
KGM 733 Dolinera, UAB
KHL 650 G. Stankaus įmonė
KHL 750 579991 2011 04.2018 G. Stankaus įmonė
KJS 607 Rudvilita, UAB
KPB 108 703554 2011 Nematrans, UAB
KRF 508 603581 2011 Astvida, IĮ
KSG 727
KZA 610 Empiltransa, UAB
LBO 755 671397 2013 Uvela, UAB
LMK 280 741585 2013 Autovingis, UAB
LMS 793 Ošupis, UAB
LNP 707 740542 Uvela, UAB
LSH 171 Vladveža, MB
LSL 044 Unknown model
LYB 340 567994 2010 02.2020 Gedeka, UAB
LYG 771 698983 2010 Rudvilita,UAB
MAJ 771 Rudvilita, UAB
MDA 849 G. Morkūno IĮ
MDV 712 Transjarda, UAB
MSE 477

Records shown: 71 from 71

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